No sooner had the moon disappeared behind the mountains of the Alps, I had to make my way to the other side of the Rosenkranzhöhe summit plateau. In the few minutes I had left, I prepared my cameras (the Canon with the Tamron 15-30mm F/2.8 wide-angle and the Fuji X-PRO 1 with the Fujinon 35mm f1.4 fixed focal length) and enjoyed the view of the orange red stripes on the horizon.
At around 7:15 am, the first rays of sun finally ccame out from behind the Frauenalpe to the east and heralded a wonderful sunrise. Even if the dawn without clouds sometimes seems a bit unspectacular, the sight is always breathtaking. Especially with the striking nature cross of the Rosenkranzhöhe in the foreground, the pictures are a dream for every nature lover.
After the bright colors passed quickly at sunrise and the orange gave way to a solid blue, it was time for me to stow my photo equipment again and move down the freshly groomed slopes; Of course not without stopping at my friend Suli’s at the snowboard school. But this is another story…